Learn How to Navigate and Lead Change in Your Organization with ExperienceChange™


The ExperienceChangeTM certification, used by leading organizations across the globe, is available for the first time in Vancouver as an open enrollment course. Don’t miss it!


Creating buy-in is difficult work. Organizations that are good at change are able to quickly align people around new ways of doing things in response to opportunities or threats. Those that master it, build resilience and an enduring competitive advantage. Those organizations that do poorly at change run the risk of reinventing solutions, disengaging stakeholders, and not realizing the benefits of their investments.


ExperienceChangeTM Open Enrollment Opportunity

On November 8th, you will have the exclusive opportunity to develop your change leadership skills with our award-winning change management workshop, ExperienceChangeTM. Join us in a day packed with action and fun, while you learn the essential elements to navigate and lead change in your organization. This is the first time that ExperienceChangeTM is offered as an open enrollment learning event in Vancouver. Don’t miss it!


What is different about ExperienceChangeTM?

ExperienceChange™ is an award winning e-learning simulation, designed after 20 years of research, that enables participants to explore and quickly experience change management theory in action. The experience simulates the challenges of real world change without real world scars and allows participants to receive immediate feedback on their decisions as they work to increase buy-in.

ExperienceChange™ takes a different approach to learning where participants “learn by doing” and is an energizing way to build teams and learn how to manage change. Over 150,000 leaders have attended experience from a wide range of organizations such as Microsoft, Apple, Finning, Bayer, ExxonMobil, Novartis, StemCell Technologies, and many others.


What are others saying about ExperienceChange™?


I feel better prepared to lead changes and transform my organization. –Suzie Smibert, Director and Chief Information Security Office at Finning


Participants came out of the training energized and enthused to practice their newly acquired methods and tools. The format, delivery and simulation activity really engaged the participants to actively learn the material. – Tyler Cheyne, Talent Development Program Manager, STEMCELL Technologies


Who Should Take This Workshop

  • High Potential Leaders or Senior Leaders sponsoring change initiatives
  • Managers at all levels of experience and change sophistication
  • Intact and/or cross-functional teams working on a change initiative
  • Project managers and/or internal change specialists


Meet the facilitator


Agustin Del Vento

Agustin Del Vento is the founder and director of Change Champions Consulting, a change management consulting, training, and coaching firm based in Vancouver, Canada. As an ExperienceChange™ and Prosci® certified organizational change management professional, Agustin has more than ten years of experience in the field of change management.

Throughout his career, Agustin has delivered change programs and learning experiences for organizations in several countries including Canada, US, Germany, Singapore, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, and Spain. Agustin’s clients include organizations in diverse sectors such as Finning, BHP Billiton, Fortis BC, Goldcorp, BC Hydro, Suncor, Teck Resources Limited, Yamana Gold, STEMCELL Technologies, and Vancity.

Prior to founding Change Champions Consulting, Agustin worked with two of the world’s top consulting firms (Accenture and Deloitte) and, as a certified coach by the International Coaching Federation, he surpassed 500 coaching hours supporting leaders’ growth. Agustin holds a Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Victoria, Canada, where he specialized in face to face communication.



ExperienceChangeTM: A hands-on Change Management Certification

When: November 8th (Wed), from 8 am to 3 pm

Where: The Loft at Earls – 1095 Mainland St., Yaletown

Investment: $409 – $499

How to register: Eventbrite



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